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Development Services

University Heights Block 43

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 43.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 43 Lot 31 & S5' of Lot 32- Permit sin fam res at 4528 Campus Ave. dimensions of the bldg. to W.J. Gilligan to remodel interior of an existing & maint the exist 2'3" sideyd; no change in overall Res. 1669 8-1-46-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 21 thru 24- ZA CONS fDERED the request_of,pOROTHY:LEE;WEbLS > to_ maintain existing duplex and garage; (1) duplex & garage observing 11' rear yard where 15' is required; (2) garage observing O' interior yard where 4' is reqd.; (3) & provide I tandem & I compact parking space where 3 spaces are required at 1504 Monroe Avenue, Zone R-1000 and had DENIED as requested, but APPROVED tandem parking located on north property line, & APPROVED maintenance of existing residential construction on the site, subj to conds. (Appealed but withdrew) C-19277 7/25/86