University Heights Block 260
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 260.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 260 (> /21./SG-T I~ Permission granted to Helen~- Dixon, 4009 Park Blvd. to build res & gar on Ely 50 1 of Sly 79 of Alabama St. closed, Ely of Lots 13 & 14, Blk 260, Univ. Hts. at Upas & Alabama, with rear yd of 5 1 Granted by Council Res.#74914 4-29-41--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 22, 23 & 24, and Por of Alabama St. closed & Por Myrtle Ave. closed adj to Lot 24- Permit to Otto & Alma S. Ketelson, Jr., owners, & William Griffin & Robert Fergen, purchasers to const sin fam res on ea lot with walking deck at front of dwell encroaching into SB area; SB for walking deck on Lots 22 & 23 to be O'; SB for walking deck on Lot 24 to be 12' from Alabama St.; the dwell property to obs the req 15 1 SB on 3438- 42- 46 Alabama St. betw Upas & Myrtle Sts., Zone R-2 (cond 1 l) Case#5562 4-10-63--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 7,8,9,10,11 & 12- ZA DENIED variance request sought by Coventry Woods Partners to (1) maintain existing 72 sq. ft., ground identification sign where a 20 sq. ft. sign is permitted; (2) sign to observe a 5 1 611 front yard where 15'0" is required; (3) to maintain six subdivision flags where such flags are not permitted; and (4) subdivision flags to observe 0 1 0" front yard where 15 1 0" is required, located at 3405 Florida Street, MR-1000 zone. C-20171 12-6-88