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Development Services

University Heights Block 256 Card 3

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 256 CARD 3.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 256 Lots 38, 39, 40 & 41- Pennit DENIED Mrs. Grette Fleming Brisby, owner & Art Staley, purch., to const 17-unit apt. bldg. covering approx. 55% of par where max 50% coverage is perm, at 3810 Florida St., betw Robinson Ave. & University Ave., Zone R-4. Case No. 6789 12-J0-64------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots JB, 29, 40 & 41- ABOVE APPEALED 1/6/66 and TABLED 2/J/65. Case No. 6789 2/J/65--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 38, 39, 40 & 41 Permit DENIED to 1'1:r. Art Staley, purch,, & Mrs. Grette Fleming Britby owner, to const, 3-story, 18 to 20 unit apt. house obs 0' setback from Florida St, where 15' is_req._at_ 3810_Florida St.,_ R-4_ Zone._______________________ ('1J1;J._]_n(3__/_,$/45_ Case 7081 AOOVE, APP~ALED & the decision of the Asst. Zoning Administrator overruled the appellant's appeal is sustained, condl, Case f081 5/27/65 Lots 26-45- Permit to Sunrise Terrace, Joint Venture Partnership to (l) erect approx 75' of retaining wall in rear yard with max height of 15', (2) to construct 250' parking garage in required rear yard where a max 30' length is perm, and (3) construct elevator tower to obs 13' interior side yard. NW corner of the intersection of Robinson Street and Florida Street. R-3A Zone. C-15019 NH. 3-9-78, "''E,> f> U)"\1'1'"> C.------------------------------------------------------~J_____________________________________ Lots 26 through 35, CUP amended was denied by ZA, NORTH PARKPARK-SIDE HOMEOWNERS ASSOC/MICHAEL B. HOSKING sought to maintain the use of five parking spaces to serve an apartment building located across the alley to the west at 1910 Robinson Av where such use is permitted by CUP only at 3760 Florida St, MR-BOOB Zone C-21374 6-28-96