University Heights Block 256 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 256 CARD 2.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 256 6tc l(S,- J Lots 26- 45- Permit was considered by ZA to W.R. EFFINGER & COMPANY to erect ap- proximately 210' of 2 1 to 14 1 high retaining wall to observe a O' front and O' street side yard, where maximum 3 1 high wall is permitted in the required 15 1 front and 10' street side yard, at the northwest corner of Robinson Avenue and Florida Street, Zone R-3A. DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED 73,5 1 of retaining wall ranging 0 1 to 9.2' high, and 28.}7 1 of retaining wal 1 ranging from O' to 9.2' high, observing 6' front and 0' street side yard. Conditions. C-17925 NH 3-9-83 Lots 26-45-Zone Variance WESTERN SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION AND NORTH PARK PARKSIDE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION to construct a five-story condominium project (1) to observe a 10'-6'' side yard for the parking garage where 13'-0" is required; (2) to provide 95 parting:spaces-on the pre~ises;where 102 are required; (3) to provide vehicular access to the proposed development by crossing adajcent property where direct access to a public street or alley is required; (4) to provide seven parking spaces in the easement area where parking is required to be on the same premises as the proposed use at 3790 Florida Street. Zone R-600 Map #SCC 12456 C-19479 1/30/87 DECISION: APPROVED w/conditions.