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Development Services

University Heights Block 256 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 256 CARD 1.tif t1NIVERS1T1 HEIGHTS ~.-- Card.#1- 7 Lot ~6- Permit to Edward E. Marsh to build apt over gar on rear of lot, witll 6" side yd 10' rear yd, lot coverage of 1~, 3834 Florida St. Res. 64231 4-7-36 Lots 1-25- RESTRAINING ORDER* ZONE- Instructs Bldg. Inspector to issue NO PERMITS contrary to restrictions of Zone R-4, pending hearing before e.c. 52960 Lots 11-19- Permit to Church of Religious Science to const church bldg with 18' SB from Georgia St. & const 7' wall with 12' SB, E side Georgia betw university Ave. & Robinson, Zone R-4. Res. 9056 7-20-55 Lots 11-21 & N20' of Lot 22- Permit to 1st Church of Religious Science to const concrete retain wall from 2' to 11' above sidewalk grd obs 0' SB, 3795 Georgia Condl C-4302 NH 7-26-61 Lots 1 & 2 & 10' Georgia St. clsd adj exc therefrom the Nly 42 1 of Ely 50' of Lot 1- Permit to Church of Religious Science of S.D. to remove exist bldgs & use par for a parking lot for tile Cnurch; parking to be to the p.1. on Georgia St., where parking for perm uses on same or adj R-4 & no parking 20' from curb line or within 3' of front p.l. is perm at 3845 Georgia St., Zone R-4 condl C-5990 10-21-63