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Development Services

University Heights Block 247 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 247 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 247 Lots 42-45- Penn it to Birney & Jenkins, bildings to be back 15' fr inside sidewalk line Res. 42659 8-15-27 Lots 7-8- Permit to H.L. Birney to erect & operate 11 unit apt, in R-4, coverage 54i. Res. 64932 9-22-36 Lots ~0 & 21- Permit to 0.A. Schall, building SB 27' ~rom front p.l. Res. 49433 3-18-29 Lots 1 & 2- Permit to Wm. M. Brooks, apt hotel back 21' fr p.l. on Pk Blvd. & Cypress St. Res. 49516 3-25-29 , Lts 53 & 54- Service Station & garage to prop line on Cypress St. & 15' back on Indiana St. to A. Williams, Jr. Res. 52408 12-9-29 Lots 11-16- Suspension of 12988 to allow dining room in R-4 DENIED to Leo Gaspar, 1-5-33 (3601 Park Blvd.) (Also DENIED 6-1-6-31) GRANTED by Res. 57793 1-6-32 Res. 57830 1-11-32 REPEALS Res. 57793 N Lot 53 & all 54- Permit to Earl E. Sorenson- 12321 suspended to allow apartment building at Cypress & Indiana (SW) with a SB of 13' on Indianan At, 3375 28th St. Res. 73771 4-1-41 Lots 1-4- Permit to William Brooks (Embassy Hotel) to maint a canvas canopy with standards, canopy extending to front p.l. 3645 Park Blvd. condl Res. 2430 8-13-47