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Development Services

University Heights Block 199 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 199 CARD 1.tif UNlVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 199 6''l~s,-J Card #1 b Lots 13 & 14- Permit issued to Horace Bradt, apt over exist gar 2' rear yd, 2' side yd Zone R-4, 3947 Louisiana St. Res. 63591 9-24-35 Lots 13 & 14- Permit to H. Bradt, erect & operate 4 room apt, side yd 3', rear yd 12' coverage 45i at 3947 Louisiana St. Res. 67955 7-26-38 Lots 37 & 38- Permit to W.E. & F.M. Carlton, alter interior of res, into duplex, side yd, 1 1 6" rear yd, 50' & lot coverage of 40i at 3820 Texas St. Res. 70784 1-13-49 Lots 37 & 38- Permit to W.L. Branch to bld add to exist residence, add to be 4 1 from side lot line, while res is 1 1 6" from side lot line, 3954 Texas St. Res. 695 8-17-44 Lots 37 & 38- Permit to W.L. Branch to const 8 1x 10' service porch addn to rear of exist res which has a 1 1 611 sideyd, addn to maint all yd req, 3954 Texas St. Res. 2442 8-13-47 N~ Lot 40 & all 41- Permit to Kathryn Barnet to const duplex, making 3 units on parcel duplex 8 1 611 access ct, obs to 7' by fireplace for distance of 5' (10' req) at 3965 Texas St., R-4 zone, amend plot plan to provide 10' access ct to alley. c-2612 1-10-59---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------