University Heights Block 177
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 177.tif UNIVERSI'IY HEIGHTS BLOCK 177 Lots 19 & 20- Bungalow court back 4' from p.l. Permit to Tnos. J. Hanley. Res. 35509 10-5-25 Lots 17 & 18- Grants SB of 4' from the front p.l. Permit to Henry Schroeder. Res. 41001 3-21-27 Lots 35 & 36- Permit to Auldin G. Hampton to maint nome for 2 elderly people at 4044 Georgia St. Res. 2726 12-17-47 Lots 37 & 38- Permit to Jack Waters & Ross Acord to maint 8 unit apt bldg served by 8' access court (10' req) at 4050-56 Georgia. C-1584 12-20-57 Lots 29 & 30- Permit to Jos. B. & Emmeline Dellutri to maint & complete 2 story duplex (total of 3 units on lot) duplex 9' access ct. 4016-18 Georgia, zone R-4 condl sidewalk C-2170 11-18-58 Wly 65 1 of Lots 25 & 26- Agreement to Kelso MacPherson & Laura B, Macpnerson to erect a gar & storage rm 20' x 40 1 in size, 18" fran the side lot line & approx 4 1 from tne street line & have applied for a yd. varia~ce. A-337 1-22-45---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\ Lots 39 & 40- Permit to Michael & Melody Turk at 4062 Georgia St., Zone R-3A to constr 8-unit apt bldg and prov 13 pkg sps, I to obs 15' fr setback. Condit. c-15999 511 4179