University Heights Block 176 Card 2
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 176 CARD 2.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK I 76 Lots 18 & 19- Permit to George B. Lind & Ocean Beach Properties to canst a four-story, ten- unit apt bldg. (I) obs a 51 and 7' int side yard; (2) to obs a O' front yd; and (3) provide 165 sq. ft. of landscaping. 4000 block of Georgia Street. Zone R-3A. Conditions. C-14470. 8-19-77. \ ~------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 22, 23 & 24- Permit to William H. Stewart and William McEvoy to canst a 3-story, 14-,unit apt bldg to obs a 5 int sd yd and res in 63% lot coverage on the northeast corner of Lincoln Avenue and Georgia Street. R-3A Zone. Condition. C-14659 NH. 9-27-77.__ a....,.__..4,a:;::_LC-"'1...i.:.Z.Z---------------------------------------------------------------------- ~BtXXii~Xi8Xa1tHXiHx~xReXMitxtaxWiiiiaMxMxxiteNBXtXBRxWiiiia~xMEiBXtaxameRa Lots 9 & 10- Permit DENIED as requested, but APPROVED a four-story, ten-unit condominium: (I) to observe at closest point a 7' interior side yard where JO' is required; (2) observe 0' front yard where 15' is required; (3) instal I a minimum of 156 sq. ft. of landscaping where 300 sq. ft. is required, at 4063 Georgia Street, Zone R-3A. APPLICANT: MOLLY J. STONE, owner; STONEWELL PROPERTIES, party. Conditions. c-16805 7-11-80