University Heights Block 163 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 163 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 163 Ca rd # 1 Lots 21-24- Permit to Our Saviors Lutheran Church to add 2nd story to exist bldg NE V cor Ohio & Lincoln, 3' side yd. Res. 3837 4-20-49 / Lots 21-24- Permit to Our Savior's Lutheran Church, Gus Lundmark, ch., to const 11 '6" by 9' bulletin board, (area approx 6'x4') 4009 Ohio. Res. 7436 5-27-53 V Lots 21-24- Permit to Our Savior's Lutheran Church to const bulletin board with 5' setback, 4009 Ohio. Res. 7437 5-27-53--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 25-26- Permit Sydney & Jeanne Goldsmith to const 5' x 24' liv rm addn to exist res having l' side yd. C-164 8-26-54 Lots 13-24- Permit to Our Savior Lutheran Church to const a sanctuary & classroom addn to exist church plant that obs 10' front yd, addn to obs 10' front yd wnere 15' isAreq at 4909 Phio r-~ NE cor of intersection with Lincoln Ave., Zone R-4. ~ s--,51..... c-8616 4-12-68 ".' .,_,, , ' ' - '