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Development Services

University Heights Block 157 Card 2

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 157 CARD 2.tif...... UNIVERSITY HEIIBTS Block 157 0\'l'-' ',~- J Card No. 2 fflDl.tlOmtXlllilXIOOD~XIXK~~IUJW(~~ E 40' of Lots ~-4 inc~.- Above amended to permit 7' access court for bldg. and 6' accesa court for park1ng,subJect to same conditions. Case No. 6936 3/25/65 Lots 31,32- Permit to Clelan A & Virginia Q. Barnett to constr 8-unit apt complex cov approx 53~ (5e> 1, perm); unit to obs all yd req at 4128 Iowa St, R-4 c-8161 5/24/67 Lot 5 & por 6- Tabled Permit to Myron J & Betty M D'llseth to const 2-atory, 8-unit apt house in R-4 zone, at 417? Illinois~. Case No 8715 filed.___ Lots 35 & 36- Pennit to Rudolph & Betty Sokolowski to:maintain ott-str prk lot with 10" hi bll < wall adj to rrnt 101 on each side where a 3' hi wall or fence is req at 4144 Iow 01 St. betw Polle Ave. & Howard Ave, R-4 C-9022 N.H. 12-2-68