University Heights Block 155 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 155 CARD 1.tif UNIVE:RSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 155.... 01'2.4Sb- 1",. Card #i Lots 15 & 16- Conducting a 6 unit auto court DENIED to Emma Miller. Res. 71514 6-4-40 Lot 6- Permit to I.J. Epstein to erect bed rm & bath addn to res with approx 2 '6" side yd, 4175 30th, addn to have 3' side yd. Res. 6376 4-16-52 T Lots 33- 44- Permit to Safeway stores, Inc. to bld & oper park lot with O' SB on Ohio St. betw Howard & Polk Aves., condl SB Res. 7017, z.v. Res. 6989 11-26-52 ABOVE- 6 mo ext to Safeway Storesn, Inc. to bld & oper park lot with 0' SB on Ohio Res. 7497 & 7504 6-10-53 ABOVE- Final ext of 6 mos to Res. 7504, ext Res. 6989 granted Safeway Stores, bld & oper parking lot, with O' SB on Ohio St., betw Howard & Polk Aves, Zone R-4, to use with Safeway Store fronting on 30th St. Res. 7966 12-23-53 Lots 31 & 32- To add to park lot on lots to North, on W side Ohio Betw Howard & Polk Ave., R-4 condl Res. 8402 8-4-54 Lots 47 & 48 (ElOO')- Permit to Clarence c. Ball, lessee & John A. Heilbron & Roy A. Hilgeman, own to oper office for bookkeeping, income tax, notary in exist res at 3 4194 Ohio St. wtth 2 signs as permitted in R-4 zone, condl. C-2211 12-26-58