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Development Services

University Heights Block 146

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 146.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 146 01"2.4~6- l'" Lots 37 & 38- Permit DENIED to J.E. Leon to convert exist garage wittl 3' side yd at 4154 Louisiana St. into living quarters & make an addn witn a 10" side yd. Res. 365 8-5-43 EllO' of Lots 46-48- Otto A. Imig DENIED permit to maint a gar on front por of lot witn 3' sideyd, SW cor of Howard & Louisiana Sss. Res. 3611 12-15-48 EllO' of Lots 46-48- Permit to Larry H, Imig to maint a gar wittl 3' sideyd, SW cor of Howard & Louisiana Sts. Res. 3631 12-29-48 E37' of w67 of Lots 46-48- Permit to Arthur J. Sprague to bldg 4 unit apt witn 8 18" access for l unit, 2229-31 Howard St. condl Res. 5985 11-14-51 W70' of Lots 25 & 26- Permit to Lawrence F. & Margaret c. Sullivan to const sin fam res with 5' rear yd on the N side of Polk Ave. betw La & Miss., Res. 8493 9-29-54