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Development Services

University Heights Block 13

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 13.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 13 Lot 4o- Permit to Roy Bundy to make 10 1 611 x 9 18 11 add to an existing dwell at 4664 Kansas St.,; existing dwelling & addn witn a 2' sideyd. Res. 811 1-4-45 Lots 5 & 6- Permit to R.E. Bucey to bake dougnnuts, retail &wnolesale; no otner employees; no signs at 4677 Utan St., Res. 1324 2-14-46 l,ots 7 & 8- Claude B. & Velora Mae Stevenin, Sr. DENIED to construct 6 unit apt nouse on parcel witn exist duplex wnich obs 2'6" side yd, proposed apt making 551, coverage (501, perm) 4669 Utan St., Zone R-4 c-2838 10-9-59 Lots 7 & 8- Claude B. Stevenin, Sr. & Velora Mae Stevenin- Permit to const 6 unit apt nouse on prop with exist duplex which obs 2'3" side yd on S side & 2'4" side yd on N side (3' req) at 4665 Utan St., Zone R-4. c-3261 3-25-60----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.----- Lot 41- Z.A. APPROVED AMENDED Req. of Donald E. & Carol A. Cannon to constr a I-bdrm sin fam dwel on same lot with exist 2-bdrm res and to provide 3 off-st parking spcs at rear at 4666 Kansas St. betw Madison & Adams Ave. Zone R-4 C-11510 10-3-72