University Heights Block 125 Card 1
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 125 CARD 1.tif U1fIVEBSITY' HEIGHTS BLOCK 125 Card /fl Lots 23-25- Condl permit to John A. Goodwin to convert exist gar at 4200 Arizona St. into living quarters with only 5' betw this gar & existing dwelling. Res. 712 9-5-44 Lots 20-26 & 13-19- Permit to S.D. Gas & Elec to const & oper office bldg with 10' rear yd & 9CYI, cover & use 13-19 for parking, Texas, Ariz. & Howard, condl. Res. 7807 10-14-53 Lots 13-19- Permit to S.D. G & E. to const 6 1 chain link fence, condl, NE cor Texas and Howard. Res. 7809 10-14-53 Lots 13-19- Ext of 6 mos from exp date of Res. 7809 to S.D.G. & E. to const 6 1 chain link fence, NE cor Texas & Howard condl Res. 8101 3-31-54 Lots 13-26- Ext of 6 mos from exp date of Res. 7807 to S.D.G. & E. to const & operate office bldg with 10' rear yd & 9CYI, coverage on Lots 20-26 & to use lots 13-19 as customer parking lot at Texas, Arizona & Howard Sts., condl Res. 8103 3-31-54 Lots 13-19- Final 6 mo ext to S.D. G. & E. to Res. 7809 & 8101 ABOVE Res. 8506 Lots 13-26- Final 6 mo ext to S.D. G, & E. on Res. 7807 & 8103 ABOVE 9-29-54 8508 9-29-54