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Development Services

University Heights Block 11 Card 1

UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 11 CARD 1.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 11 Lots 42-44- Permit to Fred Nichols, by Samuel Withall, 3351 Adams C Zone, (Ord 12889) suspended to allow poultry house at 3003 Adams Ave. Expires 2-5-40. Res. 62627 2-5-35 Wly 50' of Lots ~2-44- Permit to Anna K. Clark & Louise M. Brown, own & Annabelle Gilbert, lessee, to operate poaltry market, including the alaughtering & cleaning of chickens for retail sale, at 3003 Adams Ave., for a pe%iod of 5 years. Res. 3480 10-6-48' Lots 30 & 31- DENIED to Edghill & Ona Thompson to convert & add to an exist garage, to liv quarters with 28" side yd & 5 1 811 access ct., at 4648 Ohio St., Zone R-4. SEE BELOW Res. 4854 7-26-50 Lots 30 & 31- Appeal filed by Edghill & Ona Thompson, ABOVE sustained & permit granted with 3' sideyd. Res. 99100 8-17-50 Wly 50 1 Lots 42-44-:ll!J]f Permit to Anna K. Clark & Louise M, Brown, own & Floyd Davidson, lessee to oper retail poultry nouse, SE cor 3otn & Adams, condl Res. 7924 12-9-53---------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------ ABOVE- 2 yr ext to Clark & Brown, own & Joseph Sweig, lessee, Res. 7924. c-1922 6-27-58