University Heights Block 106
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 106.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 106 Oll'tS&-~ Lots 9 & 10- Permit to Herman E. Danz to erect a duplex over exist gar & maint exist 7 16" access court, at 4361 Hamilton St.,. condl Res. 3082 4-21-48 Lots 19-22- Permit to Eugene Tweed to operate motel, 8 rental units & 1 manager's quarters, 2602-16 El Cajon Blvd., RES PROP USE Res. 5048 10-18-50 W50'Lots 1 & 2- Condl permit to Walter w. Johnson to const addn to res & both to maint 9' rear yd, 4391 Hamilton St. Res. 5745 8-8-51--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots 19-22- Permit to Eugene Tweed to alter exist 7 car gar & liv quarto 6 car carport with no change in liv quar, carports to nave 10" side yd, 2610 El Cajon Blvd. Res. 7425 5-27-53 Lots 19-22- Permit to Eugene Tweed to make interior alterations converting 2 bldgs eacn to duplexes with 7' access ct for 1 unit in each bldg 2610 El Cajon Blvd., Zone C Res. 7953 12-23-53