University Heights Block 105
UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 105.tif UNIVERSITY HEIGHTS BLOCK 105 # W50' of Lots 47 & 48- Permit to Malcolm F. & Doris Foote Farmer to rebuild exist garage in new location with a 10" sideyd (entire bldg not within the rear 3Cff,, of the lot) 2527 Meade Ave. Res. 1466 4-11-46 Lots 15-18- Z.A. considered app of Church of Christ to use par for parking lot for church located at 2528 El Cajon Blvd. in C Zone across alley; parking to obs 0' distance from p.l. on Arizona St., where parking for permitted use on same or adj lots under same ownership in R-4 Zone is perm, on Arizona St. betw El Cajon Blvd. & Meade Ave., R-4 Zone, and has DENIED the parking lot obs O' SB from p.l. on A izona St., but APPROVED tne parking lot obs 4 1 SB, condl c-6302 4-1-64----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 31,32,33,34- ZA APPROVED request of FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST OF SAN DIEGO to install a 50 space parking lot to serve an existing church facility located on property across the alley to the south at 4328-4336 Hamilton St., Zone R-600 with conds. C-19261 8/29/86