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Development Services

University City Service Stations Sites Card 3

UNIVERSITY CITY SERVICE STATIONS SITES CARD 3.tif UMIVEMITY CI'I'f SERVICE STATION SITES Lot l- Z.A. considered req of Penasquitos, Inc. owner & Humble Oil Refinery Co. lessee, to erect (1) one free-standing, sin-poled, dbl-faced, rotating, illuminated ID sign overall ht 28'2", face of sign 9' x 13' (oval), base of,;sign to obs 10' SB & face.. ofnaign:!:o'ob1v6~ SBwhere 10' is estab,- and-to encroach'3~ into 10' req landscape strip where no encro, is.perm & where signs are req to be att to face of bldg & not project above parapet or eaves of bldg and (2) two price signs 3' x 41 ea dbl-faced, att to sign column at tne NE cor of Governor Dr. & Genesee Ave., Zone RC-lA, has made the following decision: (1) DENIED as req, but APPROVED one free-standing, sin-pole, dbl-faced, stationary, 71" x 98" illuminated ID sign, overall ht 25', with sign pole obs 10' SB and edge of sign encro. a max of 41 over req 10' landscape area & estab 10' SB; (2) DENIED as req, but APPROVED BEHINJ)landsca~e strip-- subject to conditions. Case#988l 6-15-70--~ L___ Q.I------------------------------------------------------------------------- lot 2- CITY COUNCIL GRANTED a Conditional Use Permit to MOBIL OIL CCMPANY to derrolish an existing auto se:rvice station and reconstruct a new 912 sq.ft. mini-market/sales office, 646 sq.ft. carwash, and four purrp islands with canopy, located on the southwest comer of G:> vernor Drive and Genesee Avenue (3861 Governor Drive), Map 5291, CN Zone. CUP #89-0326 10-3-89