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Development Services

University City # 4 Card 2

UNIVERSITY CITY # 4 CARD 2.tif r Card l}2 Lot 486- Permit to Mr. & Mrs. Russell N. Babcock, purch & Univ. City owner to erect a 5' hi fence encro 9' & 10' into an estab 15' SB & encro 5' into an estab 5' SB in the lhd: cul de sac of curie Way, at 2948 Curie st. at it sintersection with Curie Way R-1-5' condl c-7483 11-12-65 Lots 454-460- Permit DENIED to const sin fam res encro 5' into estab 15' SB at the follo,ting lots & address, Zone R-1-5; Lot 454 at 3051 Dalesn Pl. betw Dalen Ave. & cul de sac; Lot 455 at 3063 Dalen Fla betw Dalen Ave. & cul de sac; Lot 456 at 3075 Dalen Pl betw Dalen Ave. & Cul de sac; lot 457 at~ 3087 Dalen Pl betw SW cor Dalen Pl & Dalen Ave; lot 458 at 5458 D len Ave. betw Curie St. & Dalen Pl; Lot 459 at 5444 Dalen Ave. betw Curie St. &XJJI Dalen Pl Lot 460 at 5436 Dalen Ave. betw Curie St. & Dalen Pl DENIED to Diamond Enterprises c-8105-8111 5-2-67 Lots 457, 459 & 460- DIAMOND ENTERPRISES to const split level dwell on each lot with barsink in fam room on lower floor, & agree that no kitchen appliances shall be installed and said fam room on lower level will never be converted to a second dwell, on Dalen Ave. & Dalen Pl., Zone R-1-5, A-14'79 6-13-67 Lot 510- Z.A. considered appl of Edw. F, & Teresa Sutor to const approx cedar fence on prop line in 15' estab SB wheee 3' hi fence only is perm; Dr., NE cor Honors Dr. & Honors Ct., R-1-5 DENIED request C-9023 N.H. AMENDED 12-17-68 125' of 5' hi at 5727 Honors 12-9-68