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Development Services

University City # 2 Card 3

UNIVERSITY CITY # 2 CARD 3.tif UNIVERSITY CITY #2 cJlts Lot 285- Permit to Arthur and Margenette Yeend to erect approx 30 ft. of 8 ft. high brick and wood fence; fence to obs at closest point 6 1-6 11 street side yard on Lamas Street where 12 ft. is estab; at 5668 Lord Cecil St., betwn. Lamas and Streseman Sts., Zone R-1-5 and has made the following decs: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED fence to obs 10 ft. street side yard on Lamas St,.. Cond' 1. / C-12,453 3-14-74 Lot 230- Permit to Robert & M. Teresa Koch to constr 2nd floor addn with bar sink to exist sin fam dwll at 58o6 Lamas St. Zone R-1-5. AGREE f2.o64 6-12-75------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 309- Permit to Wm W. & J0an L. McDowell to constr a 14' x 25'8" addn to eiisting single-family dwel I obs 16' rear yd where 20' is reqd and 43% Jot coverage where max40% is permitted, at 2743 Gobat Ave., Zone R-1-5. Condit. C-15784 2/13/79----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 233- Permit to Irwin & Eva Nerenberg at 5855 Lamas St., Zone R-1-5, to construct 9-5' x 21' bedroom and fam rm addn to exist SFD, addn to obs 16' rear yd. Condit. C-16211 7/23/79