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Development Services

University City #1 Card 4

UNIVERSITY CITY #1 CARD 4.tif- UNIVERSITY CITY #1 Card #4 Parcel 2 of Lot 89- Z.A. considered appl of G.M. Bowman, own & A.R. Wylie Sign CO., lessee to erect & maint for a period of one yr, one free-standing, single-faced, directional sign, overall ht 8 1 display area 5' x 6 1 where only signs offering premises for sale of lease are permitted at 5805 Honors Dr., NE cor Pennant Way & Honors Dr., Zone R-1~5 and has DENIED the appl as req but APPROVED max size of 3' x 5' x.S' hi, obs?in SB f91=. any port.ion of sign from Pennant Way of 5' condl ~&t)-~,.IJ-,'fC,,S--1..'1?--,/ . ~-9621 N.,H. 12-1-69. ~!~-r-~:;2~:~-:i~-t~~~=-~~~~11;~~:~~~~:~~(E't-~::~~-:~~.,_~~~~~.:{~~~~~--------- dwe11 ing with garage obs 8 1 setback on Honors Dr.,where 12' is established 11' on Pennant Way where 15' is established; (2) to contruct 700 sq. ft. deck obs I' rear yard and 12 1 x 12' patio obs 12' rear yard where 20' is required; deck aJso to obs 8 1 setback on Pennant Way where 15 is established; (3) to erect 12' of retaini~g wall ranging in height from O' to 5' obs 0' setback on Honors Dr. where 12' 1-s established; and (4) to erect approx. 48 1 of 5' high sol id wood fence obs at closest point an 8 1 setback on Pennant Way where max 3' fence is permitted in established 15' setback, at 5805 Honors Dr . betw Pennant Way and Award Row Zone R-1-5 ~ Io-.2- z.:z,. C-10666 8-13-71