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Turner's Sea Shell Park Block 1 Card 2

TURNER'S SEA SHELL PARK BLOCK 1 CARD 2.tif..,.. Card # 2 TURNER SEA SHELL PARK BLOCK 1 \\ Lots 5 & 6- Permit to Chester and Fay Adams for perm to constr. a 24 1 x 28 1 2nd stor;1r, one-bedroom unit on top of exist. recreation room on same lot with exist. sin. fam. dwell. exist. recreation room obs. a 3 1 interior sideyard on north side and add. will obs. a 3' interior sideyard where 4 is req. resulting in approx. 41.5% (as amended) coverage, where a max. 4oi is perm. At 3769 Riviera Dr. betwn. La Playa Ave and Moorland Dr, Zone R-2A Cond'l C-11840 4-4-73 Lots 17 & 18- Permit to Else A. Fuller to const duplex on lot with exs sfd, addn to res in 44% lot coverage and to provide 19' turning radius at 3721 Riviera Drive. Zone R-2-A. Conditions. C-14199,NH3-8-77, Lots 15 and 16- Permit to Bert c. Jr. and eai- Elsa A. Fuller to const third apt unit above exijsfd: to obs 461, coverage (f> J1, of which is for a 4oo sq. ft. garage) and a 14' sb for second story deck and stairway. Conditions. 3731-33 Riviera Drive. R-2A Zone. c-15376. 10-18-78.------------------------------------------------------------ Lots I and 2- Permit GRANTED to BETTER. GUIM0NT, an individual, owner; and DAVID 0. GUIM0NT, I I I, dba Benson's Construction by Dave, permittee, for a Floor Area Exception Permit to construct and operate a 3-unit residential complex 30 feet in height, located at the southeast corner of La Playa Avenue and Riviera Drive, Zone R-2A. FAREP #34 1-29-80