Turner & Barr's Subd. Of South Orchar Tract Block A Card 1
TURNER & BARR'S SUBD. OF SOUTH ORCHAR TRACT BLOCK A CARD 1.tif ILOCJC A Card Ill Lota 13 a. 14- Permit DDIED to I. I. Bramlett to rediv into tvo par, ea 50' x 70' and erect ain tam res on eac, 1W cor Orten & Galveston Ste. Res. Bo. noo 1-21-53 CC 110677 Suatainecl Lot 15 & 16 and S 17' ot Lot 17- Perait to Barbara l'.ellerb)' to inta1n exist res and in future req zoning var to divide prop into 2 parcels baving approx equal frontage on Orten St., exist res 1 located solely on 16 a. 17 ft. Lot l 7 s-150 5-14-53 Lot 17 uc S 171 all Lot 18, Lot 19 exec 8 1- Permit to Ricllard Zarnowit& to erect only l sin tam re on parcel. S-151 5-11-53 8 1 Lot 19, All Lota 21,21,22- Pel'llit to Olive I. Gooc1Y1n to 1ntain l exist in:tam res only. S-152 5-13-53 V 70' Lota 13 14- Reginald P. & Louise Paul DDIBD perm to cOD11tr in tam res on parcel split prior to 12-5-54,-.king one Wlit 011 parcel, JIW cor 0neD & Galveston St., Zone R-l C-2458 4-24-59---------------------~--------------------------~---------------------------------------W 70' of Lota 13 14- z.A. tiaa couidered tile req of Leo Goodman, OVDer ancl Robert L. & Jladlyn L. Waybourn, purcb to cODStr a 111:tam. res obs lO' front y4 vitn ata1ra and cleck oba o t:t:ont ycl vbere 15' ia req; rea to obs 15' rear yd ancl deck to obs 5' rear yard vbere 20' is req, at Orten St betv FraaUort Bt and Galveston St. Zone R-1-5. abd lla4 DBllIED tbe 10' front yd tor res but APPROVID l2'; DDDD O' front yd tor stair and deck but APPORVBD 2'; DEll1ID 15' rear yd tor rea but APPROVED 13'. Coiicl 11. c-10505 6-11-n