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Development Services

Trojan Heights

TROJAN HEIGHTS.tif TROJAN HEIGHTS \ r Lot 1 Cond'l permit to G. L. and Ruth M. Hutter to div into 2 parcels & build sing fam res on ea, S side of Trojan Ave., approx 370' W of 54th. Res. 4548 3/~2/50 Por of lot 1- to Glenn R. Wilcken, a single man. AGREEMENT 1/654 to div and build a sing fam res thereon. May 18, 1950 Lot 1- AGREEMENT 1/653 to Gilbert L. Hutter and Bulin M. Hutter to divide lot l into two build- ing sites and build a iing fam res on each one. May 15, 1950-----------------------------. Por Lots land l respectively- Permit to Cnurcn of Jesus Cnrist Latter Day Saints; Pl.U'Ch and Colina Investment Co. & Evelyn & Clarence Meskimen, Owners to dev prop as a parking lot for tne Cnurcn of Jesus Cnrist Latter Day Saints immediately to tne east, at 5345 Trojan Ave Zone R-1-5; Zone co. Cond 'l. ().I-. L., 9-11540 /. l;I.-15-72.lfd'-i.,J;i,;;.::k...ta,_ o/-'-~;../_-_7_ f(__ K,:.! 1'.:..JJ::._--*-~-V'-~_ {.,c~:?f_LI}:.:. t.: z ~.L-------------- Lot 1, CUP approved with conditions by ZA, RONALD D. HOGAN; JAMES W. BATTLE JR., NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE ASSOCIATION requested to maintain a child care facility at 4260 54th Street, MR 1000B Zone C-21263 5-26-95----------------------------------------------------------------------------