Triumph # 1 Card 1
TRIUMPH # 1 CARD 1.tif TRIUMPH #1 (7 Lot 17- Permit to Kenneth & Veronica Morgan to erect 5 1 high fence on top of 5 1 high bank on rear & side prop lines (6 1 fence above aver adj gr level permitted) at 5972 Bakewell St., E of Mt, Abernathy Ave, Zone R-1. Case 4013 4-12-61------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lots 26,27,28,29 & 30- Permit to Am Housing Guild Sales Corp. to const sing fam res on ea lot & use same for model homes with one single-faced, post mounted, unlighted 1 1 x 21 model ident sign on each lot; use gar on Lot 29 for tract sales office with one single-faced, post-mounted, unlighted, 4, x 8 1 sales off ice sign; signs to be worded per plans; all to be maintained for a period not to exceed 1 yr., on Mt. Abernathy Ave. betw Chateau Dr. & Bakewell St., Zone R-1, where sing fem dwell on lot of re cord at time of zoning & sign max of 8 sq. ft. in area offering premises for sale are penn, cond 1 1. Case No. 5597 5-8-63 V--1;t-3a-:-Peri1t-t;-iie;I~;;-H;;;I;g-auiia-saies-corp~-t~-ca;st-sing-ram___ dwell witn eaves obs 2 1-1 11 from N p.l., where 3 1-911 is req, at 4351 Mt. Abernathy Ave., R-1 Zone. Case No. 5634 5-16-63------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot 29- Permit to Am eaves obs 3 1 distance at 4359 Mt. Abernat1y Rous. Guild Sales Corp to const from N p 1 & 3 1-1" from S p. 1. sing fam dwell with where 3'-9" is req, Ave., R-lZo:i.e. case No. 5635 s-16-63-------------------------------------------------------------------------