Tres Lomas Block 8
TRES LOMAS BLOCK 8.tif--m LOMAS BLOOI.e BE!-lfitoi3l all Lot ~.,Permit to Mc0olle7 & Weber Const. Co. to c onatl"ll.Ct single family residence, 62 ft. on Omnberland St., Zone:a.-1. S-281 2-9-55 Lot 4 exc Dly 12', & Bly 251 Lot 5, Pel"lllit to McColley & Weber Const. Co. to construct single family residence, 62 ft. on CUmberland St., Zone R-1. S-282 2-9-55 Lot 5, exc!IEly 251, & l!l'Ely 371 of Lot 6, Pennit to McColley& Weber Const. Co. to constru. aingle family residence, 621 on Cumberland St., Zone R-1 S-28J 2-9-55 Lot 6, exc. Bly J7' & all Lot 7, Permit to McColley & Weber Const. Co. to sin. family residence, 621 on Cumberland St., Zone R-1. S-284 2-9-55. Lot 8- Permit to Robert L. & Betty L. Graves to erect 79' of 5' high retaining wall, portion observing O' front yard, wbere maximum 3' high wall is permitted in required 15' front yard at 6251 Potomac St., between Calle Quebrada & Calle Tortuosa, Zone R-1-5, condl C-9612 N.H. 11-18-69 Lot 11- Agreement to Jose I. & Maria Maldonado to construct two bedroom one bath, second story addition with outside entrance to existing single-family dwelling, at 6221 Cumberland Street, Map No. 2160. AGREEMENT #3458 3/21/86 Lot 9 Map 2160- AGREEMENT with Jose A. and Paula Guzman to construct a one-story addition to an existing single-story, single-family dwelling; said addition containing a family room, laundry room, and full bath with exterior access and interior access via hallway from living room/kitchen area, at 6241 Cumberland Street. Zone Rl-5000 Ag~eement# A-5103 8-19-91