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Development Services

Trepte Park

TREPTE PARK.tif TREPTE PARK I0~-5... Lot 3- Permit to Tnompson Pnoto Service (Everett Doane) to maintain exist 100' x 295' office, storage & manufacturing bldg and to erect double-faced, 5' x 10' revolving identi sign on top tnereof; botn bldg and sign to obs req setbacks but to eliminate required 10' planting strip adj to Frazee Rd, at 1544 Frazee Road betw Murray Canyon Rd and end of cul-de-sac, Zone M-lA. Cond'l. c-11063 3-10-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot I- Request of Frank Roll ins, Clement O'Neill, Ron Ripps and John Shoecraft (dba Warehouse Associates) to const 9 mini-warehouses, 4 to obs 5'- st sd yd at closest points and to provide 5' of landscaping along east side of Highway 163 at NW corner of Frazee Road and Murray Canyon Road. DENIED. Zone M-lA. C-14076. 2-23-77. Lot 2- PERmit to Howard A. Busby to const 6,114 sq. ft. addn to exs comm bldg and to provide 43.6% of lot area in parking and to provide 5' planting strip adj to Murray ~ on Road.. 1540 Murray Canyon ~ad. M.-!A ~one./,. C_?ndit.i_gQS, C-15302. NH.. 7-7-7. 8.___,a_~_ ~--&-L()i Q ~. /J>..;.;A.{,.:.. 7_1.,J,--____---__--------- r------- " C-f-- 6-c.,_;.,.,--1..-{_:ily;F 10-l'l- 'i"I (9-,:i_iJ-'(C)_?,Li,.-rt-:;t_,_,,-,,L;L Q_;1r 10- \{,-(';dl...,w-..:o "')