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Trenton Terrace Card 1

TRENTON TERRACE CARD 1.tif TRENTON TERRACE \ 1 Lots 26 & 27, Permit to Sam O Houston to adjust lot lines betw lots, at end of Van Nuys Pl N of Vari Nuys St, R-1 zone Case 2726 8-7-59---------------------------------------------- Lot 1 thru 36, Permit to A. Schrieber, Jr. &,Sam Houston to operate one sales off., to be located on-.arious lots in subdiv. as houses.are old, & erect oae l'x 4 1 sign designating sales off. at Trenton Terr. & one sign 10 1 x 16' on u,t 8, & one sx 10' on Lot 33 tp adverti subdiv, on Van Nuys & Everts Sta, Nly of Archer St,.B.-1 zone, for one,yr to expire 2-15-61. ext for 1 yr to expire 2-15-62 & ANEND to erect one 8 1 x 10 Case 30721 & 3073 2-5-60 v 11.lgD.on_Lol; J.2.&..0lle-lD'x.lo!,o.:t..33..te.acwer-ti..we-Mlb4,-------------- Lot 11, ~ermit to Larry R. & Patricia B. Zemlin to maintain 6 1 hi redwd fence on top of 5' hi retain wall back of SB, 1125 Van Nuys, ll...l 1_ Case 3630 10-7-60 Lots-26,27---AGREEMER'l'-#1429-t~ Wm: & Do;ot; Th~s~n-t~ ~o;s;r-2:c;r-g;r-w/2:b;~ ~;a;h above for use as guest house at 5363 Van Buys Pl, Zone R-1-5 6/3/66-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot 32- Permit to Warren w. & Margaret Harmon to constr a 2nd story living room addn with bar sink to exist sin fam dwell at 1212 Arch~ St. Zone R-1-5, AGREE #2056 5-23-75 Lot 24- Permit to L. Lorraine Letson to construct 18' x 31' addition to exist single-family dwel I ing; addn to obs 12 1 rear yd where 20' is req. at 5364 Van Nuys Place, Zone R-1-5. CONDITIONS C-13,780 8-10-76---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------