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Development Services

Torrey Pines Aroya

TORREY PINES AROYA.tif TORREY PINIB ARROYA!)QlD-5 < Lot 1- Permit to Lincoln Bren Company to erect one 61 x 7', freestandin~ ID sing obs. 6 1 front yard where sign must obs. 15' street front yard setback, 2626 l!orrey Pines Rd Zone RV C-11804 3-14-73 Lot 3- Fermi t to J. M, Foster Co., Inc to maintain a 4' 2" x 5 '2" x 9' high double-faced sign, sign to obs 7' front yard, where 15' front yard is estab, and where such use shall terminate two years after filing of subdiv ma:;i, and shall not be closer than 200 1 from any occupied dwelling unit not in the same subdiv, at 2458 Torrey Pines Road betw Ardath Road and LaJolla Shores Dr. Zone R-V. Cond'l. w~ ~0:e_1~~~~~_f]~,:,.6:,l{].:,----------------c-11948___________________ 7-J2-73_______ Q> lt~ 7,- ~ 7-r.,,-)7 (.'=>-~3-lh,,/