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Tingley Estates Card 3

TINGLEY ESTATES CARD 3.tif TINCll.EY ESTATES....... CARD #3 ~ Lot 29- Permit to Dennis s. & Kristine Avery to convert exist gar to game room, bath & sauna, obs 10' rear yard where 20' is required at 833 Moana Drive. Zone R-1-5. AGREE #2002 9-27-74 Lot 1- ZA DENIED the variance of JOHN E. & BONNIE J. CHALKER to maintain 11'-9'' of 4'-10'' to 5'-6" high concrete block wall observing a 7'-0" front yard at the closest point where a 15'-0" front yard is required for solid fence or walls exceeding 3'-0" in height- located at 929 El Mac Place, Rl-5000 zone. Map 3046. C-19803 1/8/88 Lot 24- ZA has DENIED the request of PASADENA COLLEGE, A CALIFORNIA CORPORATION, OWNER: NANCY & KEARNY BENNETT, PURCHASER, at northeast crnr of Moana Drive, Map 3046, Rl-5000 zone. C-19785 11/20/87 Lot 12, Yard Variance was approved with conditions by ZA, JACQUELINE & CRAIG PLUMMER requested to maintain currently in ivolation, a one story bedroom addition to an existing single-family dwelling observing a 1'-6" rear yard where 4'-0" is required at 880 Moana Drive, Rl-5000 C-21332 12-1-95----------------------------------------------------------------------------