Time View
TIME VIEW.tif TIME VIEW;gt:,1-s Lot 2- Permit to Time for Living Inc., to erect and maintain for a petiod of one year, a one double-faced, non-illuminated, 8'' x 8' subdivision ID sign, overall height 12' on lot approx 100' from occupied dwelling unit not in same subdivision where such use is not permitted within 200' of occupied dwelling unit not in same subdivision; sign to obs 0' front yard where 20' setback is required, and 0' interior side yard where 6' is required, at 5557 Solidad Mountain Road, north of Pacif~a Drive, Zone R-1-10- Cond'l. j;; 2,'{f':,y-/9-7&('-f-llo-7s) C-12,575 N.H. 4-19-74 '2,-J o-7 (,,-~ ~- 7/'ur eel Lot 7- ZA DENIED fe~ce variance request of KING LIVING TRUST, WILLIAM R, AND DIANE C, KING, TRS, to maintain approx. 48'-6" of solid wall varying in height from 4'-6" to 6 1-0" within the 20 1 required front yard where a max. 3 1 high solid wall with 3 1, 50% open fencing on top is permitted, located at 5554 Avenida Fiesta, Rl-10000 Zone. C-20813 8-20-91 NH