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Tierrasanta Norte Iv

TIERRASANTA NORTE IV.tif "TIERRASANTA ~ORTE IV l'2-\\"2--.S Lot 58- AGREEMENT with The William Lyon Co. to convert garage into a AC #325,,. temporary sales office. 8/30/88--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 15- ZA APPROVED with conditions the variance sought by TIERRASANTA L-L PARTNERSHIP, OWNER; PACIFIC BELL (M21646Q), LESSEE to locate a communication switching station in a residential zone, located at 6310 Antigua Road, Rl-5000 zone, Hillside Review Overlay Zone. C-20199 2-3-89 Lot 1- ZA has considered the CUP request of TIERRASANTA L-L PARINERSHIP, OWNER; DONALD PUTNAM, PURCHASER; to nai.ntain (1) three carmunity identification ground signs for Mont- anosa carmunity where a waxi.mum of one sign per street entering a comnunity with not rrore than a maximum total of four per carmunity area is permitted (2) signs to have a maximum height of 7'-5" where 6'-0" is pennitted at 11025 Camino Playa Ca:onel, Zone Rl-5000 and Rl-40,000; ZA has DENIED as requested but APPROVED one comnunity identification sign adjacent to Antigua as identified on Exhibit "A" dated February 23, 1990, subject to conditions. C-20467 9/7/90