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Tierrasanta Norte Iii

TIERRASANTA NORTE III.tif TIERRASANTA NORTE III ('2.(C,2-S I(Lot 1- CASES TABLED, request of TIERRANSANTA LL PARTNERSHIP, OWNER; DONALD PUTNAM, PURCHASER; to maintain (7) freestanding entry monument walls as community area identification; Map 12162. C-20470-, C-20471 'r C-20472 j' C-20473 12-6-89 Lot 1- ZA considered request of TIERRASANTA L-L PARI'NERSHIP, CMner; OONALD PU'INAM, Purchaser; to maintain (1) two ccmnunity identification signs along Antigua Boulevard and (2) to erect two camnm.ity identification signs along Via Vilarta where not rrore than a maximum total of four per cormn.mity area is pennitted, (3) signs to have a maximum height of 7'-5" where maximum 6'-0" is pennitted at 6616 Antigua Boulevard, Zones Rl-5000 and ru::.40000; and has DENTED as requested but APPROVED a maximum of two signs, subject to conditions: C-20468 08/24/90