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Development Services

Tidelands Card 1

TIDELANDS CARD 1.tif TIDELANDS, CARD #1 Permit to Solar Aircraft co. to erect & maintain a barbed wire topped and woven wire indust-, rial type fence, max ht of 12' above the lowest adj ground level, around a die storage yd on Harbor Dr and Laurel St. Res #908 4-12-45 Permit to Solar Aircraft Co. to constr a 12' wall at 2200 Pacifi~ Hwy (wall 8 1 and if necessary increase to 12') Res #941 5-10-45 Permit to National Iron Works to erect an 8 1 wood fence betw 26 and 28th Sts on the south side of Harbor Dr, also along 28th St. Res #lOOO 6-28-45 Permit to Lynch Shipbuilding Co. to constr a solid board fence 8 1 hi at the foot of 28th St. on the W1y side, provided the fence is painted a suitable color. Res #2234 5-8-47 Permit to Starr Lumber co. to constr a solid board fence 8 1 high with a 3' SB, SE cor Nutmeg and Pacific Highwey-. Cond 'L Res #2401 7-30-47 Permit to Starr Lumber co. to constr approx 91 lineal ft. of solid board fence 6 1 high with 3' SB from Pacific Highwey- at NE cor of Nutmeg. Res #3564 11-17-48------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------