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Tia Juana City Block 15 Card 2

TIA JUANA CITY BLOCK 15 CARD 2.tif TIA JU.ANA C tTY 'ft.\ BLOCK 15.1...'1 Ca rd # "'r4 (-=:::-' Lots 45 46 47 & 4r-Pe1111it to J.C. Haskell & Joe Cuen to colfli"lruct single family res;-on ' ' (). each 50 1 parcel one on Lots 45 & 46 and one on Lots 47 & 48 obs, 3 1 side yard where 20 1 side yard is req,on Lliuiaiana Ave., So. ~an Diego, SW corner ~nenada St, & Louisiana St., Zone A-1-1, ~ase No. 6343 3/18/64 6-mo. ext. of time granted to exp, 3/19/65. Case amended ll/16/64 to include approx. 21% lot coverage, 6-mo, ext. of time ~ranted to expire 9/19/65, Lots 39 & 40- Permit to J.C. Haskell & Joe ~uen to construct single family residence on;parcel observing 3 1 side yard where 20' side yard is req,, on Louisiana Ave, So .:> an!.lie go, between Ensenada St. & Tia Juana St,, Zone Interim A-1-1. Case No. 6344 3~9/644 6-mo. ext. of time granted to exp. 3/Hl/65. Case amended on 11/16/64 to incl e approx. 21% lot covera~e. 6 mo. ext. of time granted to exp. 9/19/65. Lots 43 & 44- Permit to Sarah C. Vital to construct single family residence on parcel observing 3 1 side yard where 20' side yard is required, on J..ouisiana,we., So. San!.lie go v between Ensenada ~t. & Tia Juana ~t., ~one Interim A-1-1. Gase No. 6346 3/19/64. 6 mo. ext. of time granted to exp. 3/19/65. Case amended on ll/16/64 to include approx. 21% lot coverage. 6 mo. ext. of time granted to expire 9/11:1/65. LOTS 41 & 42- Permit to James L. Morris to construct single family residence on parcel /Ob1Jervii:ig 3 1 side yard where 20 1 side yard is required, on Louisiana Ave. between Ensenada and Tia Juana.::lts., Zone Interim A-1-1. Cue Ne 6347 3/19(1- 6 mo. ext. of time gr ante < to expire 3/19/65. Case amended 11/16/64 to include approx. 21% lot coverage. 6 mo. ext. of time granted to expire 9/19/65.