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Development Services

Terrace Subd. Card 4

TERRACE SUBD. CARD 4.tif ~_,,. ~... ~,_------.,. ~...--"".-,-.- TERRACE SUBDIVISION (CARD #4 (Parcel 2 of Parcel Map #5801) Portion of Lot 15 and al I of L.ot 16- Permit was considered by ZA to MICHAEL J, AND ANNE, CHERNEY, owners; EDUARDO SCHAMESOHN and HOLDEN SMITH, purchasers, to construct a four-story, three dwelling unit structure to: (1) observe a 4 1-011 interior side yard where l0 1-0" is required; (2) observe 6 1-0 11 street side yard where 9 1-011 is required; (3) observe a 15 1-011 rear yard where 21 1-011 is required; and (4) provide 5% front yard landscaping where 40% is required, located at 949 Coast Boulevard, South, Zone RV. c-18230 10-28-83 DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED construction of a three-story structure; (l) observing 5 1-0" interior side yard; (2) 6 1-011 street side yard; (3) 15 1-011 rear yard; and (4) to al low walls maximum 10 1-011 high from dwel 1 ing finished floor as shown on second floor plan and first floor plan on plans labeled Exhibit "A 11, dated 1/3/84. Conditions. Lots 9- 13, Case Tabled due to Coastal Permit required. Coastal Permit #90-0448., located at 915-933 Coast Blvd. R-V zone. C-20286 TABLED 7/3/90