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Terra Terrace Card 2

TERRA TERRACE CARD 2.tif TERRA 'l'ERRACE ~.~CARD~ """..,. ~"'fs..,_ Lot 38- Permit to James and Eleanor Anderson to maintain (1) a 17' x 30' patio cover addn to exist sin fam dwell, addn to obs 9' setback on Gardena Pl wnere 12' setback is estab; (2) an exist 6 1 hi cedar stake fence obs 8 1 setback on Gardena Pl wnere max 3' ni fence is perm in 12' establisned setback at 4886 Sparks Ave at NW cor of its intersect with Gardena Pl in the R-1-5 Zone; condl. C-10282 1-26-71 Lot 3- Permit to Lawrence K, & Margaret M, Wilson to erect 45' of concrete block ret wall ranging in ht from l' to 4' obs a 611 SB in front where a max 3' high wall is perm in a 15' estab SB, at 4861 Viane Way betw Gardena Pl and end of cul-de-sac. Zone R-1-5, C-12540 N.H. 4-9-74------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 18- Permit to Wm & Kathleen Speer to erect 110' of 6 1 hi sol id fence obs O' st sideyd on Gardena Pl where max 3' hi fence is permi in estab 12' SB,DENIED but APPROVED 5' hi sol id fence, 4882 Viane Way, Zone R-1-5, cond'l C-13458 N.H. 12-23-75 Lot 18- Permit to WILLIAM A. SPEER, JR., was considered by ZA which was DENIED the fence as requested but has APPROVED approximately 80 1 of retaining wall ranging in height from 3'-4" to maximum 5' high, observing a 2 1 front and street side yard where maximum 3' high wall is permitted in established 15 1 front and 12' street side yard, at 4882 Viane Way, Zone R-1-5. Conditions. C-17041 NH 12-4-80