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Development Services

Teralta (Sub Lots 20-25,Blk N) Block 17 Card 1

TERALTA (SUB LOTS 20-25,BLK N) BLOCK 17 CARD 1.tif ma.ALTA m.ocx 17 SUbdv.of I.ots 20 to 50 1:s11t.N o\.'-5-S Block 17,Lots 22-23. Setback suspended, 11'. A. Worden CARD4~ Res,33929 4/27/25 10/22/47 Lots 24-46, Permit to move 2-story residence from 4186-l+2nd St.(Our Lad_y of Lots He'?.rt Parish) to 4136- St. HM Res. ermi t to Our ady of the Sacred L""'~....,._.-.1.s to move one-story from 4136- 42nd St. to 4186- 42nd St. BM Res. 505 to NW to Lots 18 & 19- Z.A. considered appl of Sister of St. Jos. of Orange to develop & mi.iatl.1& premises for playgrnd area. for Rosary Hi Sch. across alley & to enclose preaises w/101 hi link fence obs O' SB oa Marlborough St. where max. 3' hi fence is perm in aver SB of blk & max 6' hi fence back of SB line is penn, lower half of front fence to be cement w/ upper half chain link & has APPROVED requested playground, DENIED 10' hi fence, APPROVED 8' hiah fence condl,at 4121 Marlborough Ave. betw Polk & Orange St Zone l-4. .r.. .l. C-7280 C... J.2.81..... 8J9/_65 Same- BZA consid, appeal of John R Adams from above~de~;'aM DENito'tam~, ~pnold!~"ZA; witb conditions- re playground. C-IQ'. 7280 10-13-65