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Development Services

Teralta (Resub Of Lots 20-50 ) Block 18

TERALTA (RESUB OF LOTS 20-50) BLOCK 18.tif ~{:;5--.S- TERALTA Blk 18 (Ord.a924 J (Resub of_Lots 2Q-50) Block 18,Lots 20-23. ht~Uk suspended, A.l.& C.H.~aylor Lots ond tom aaj relocate on same lots. 'S16' of Lot 8 & all Lot 9- Permit to Thos B Boarman to const living nn & bdrm addn to exist res having l' 411 side yd, the addn to observe the req 3' side yd, at 4159- 42nd St., cond 'l {Res. No. 8297) 6-23-54 Lots 3 & 4, P0rrni t to Howard L. & Esther P. Hamilton to c or;st addn to b edrm & kitchen of exist duplex on pare witn 2 sing fam dv,ell, 3 units served by 7 1 access ct. (10 1 req) addn to obs al 1 yd requir,4179- 42nd St, R-4, N.H. CASE #4584 11-30-61----------------------------------------- Lot 1- Request DENIED to Chas.& Patricia Morehead to maintain apprx 300 sq.ft.carport & patio obs 0 1 sdeyd attchd to sing.faro.dwelling on front of par.resulting in 2 addtnl. units at rear being served by 3 1 a::cess crt, 1-unit obs. 3' dis. frm rear prop.line where 10 1 access crt1)' sdeyd & 10 1 dis,fnn rear prop.line req. at 4424- 35th St., R-4 Zone. Appl.DENIED on o/24/64 (Gase H646f 5-27-64