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Development Services

Teralta (Resub Blks K &L ) Block 21 Card 1

TERALTA (RESUB BLKS K &L) BLOCK 21 CARD 1.tif TERAL'rA (Resub of Blks K & L) BLOCK 21 (,!Iii, Card # I. Lots 25-27- Permit to N.E. & Dorothy McDougal to build a store bldg with apts above, as an addn to exist res on NW cor of Orange & Fairmount Ave. / Cond 'l. Res #1252 12-22-45 C..,j Lots 39-40- Permit DENIED to Harry s. & Lucy Mc:Jeever, to erect store bldg. to be att to exist res; store bldg to obs O' sideyard on north at 4260 Fairmount. Res #2465 8-27-47 Lots 39-40- Permit to H. s. & Lucy McKeever to make addn to & convert sin fam res to dupleJ 2' 4" s ideyard at 4260 Fairmount Cond 'L Res #4022 7-20-49 Lots 25-27 Permit to N.E.. & Dorothy McDougal to erect 10' x 20' open shed addn to rear of exi&t bldg; 72', cov, no side yard at NW cor of Fairmount & Orange. Res #6132 1-23-52 Lots 25-27- Permit DENIED to Nolan & Dorothy McDougal to maintain neon SB where 10' is req at 4206 Fairmount. Zone C C-972 Appealed- Appeal sustained 3-14-57 pole sign with O' 1-25-57 Lots 19-24- The Asst. Z,A. considered tne amended req of Don McDougal, owner & Lloyd McElhinney, Lessee, to erect 23' ni, 81 x 12' interior, constant lignted sign with pole encroaching approx 3' and sign encroaching 10' into the req 10' landscaping strip adj to Orange Ave and with forward edge of sign encroaching 2' over public right of way at 4304 Orange Ave., NE Cor 43rd St. Zone C-lA, has APPROVED the req. Cond'l. C-7745 Appealed- Appeal GRANTED- Board deleted conditions 7-18-66 J'--(r