Teralta (Resub Blks H & I) Block 33 Card 2
TERALTA (RESUB BLKS H & I) BLOCK 33 CARD 2.tif TERALTA Resub. of Bl6cks H & ItQafo]j-ock 33,, CARD If Lots 45, 46, 47 & 48- Condl permit to Jess J. & Dorothy c. Leach, owner, & Harold R. Mosher, lessee to use par for operation of automobile impound yd, inclucting storage of operative & wrecked vehicles, where retail uses includ. automobile parking is perm, at 3675 El Caj o:i Blvd, SW cor 37th ST & El Cajon Blvd., e Zone. Case No. 6041 10-21-63------------------------------------------------------------------------ A:OOVE Case No. 6041- Condition No. 1 which provides "that an 8 1 high decorative type wall be installed to close the entire frortage alor~ El Cajon Blvd. 11 APPEALED 10-23-63 and appeal was dented and the decision of the z. A. was sustained&: affirmed and further qualified by conditions. Case No. 6041 ll-19-63--------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 43 & 44- Permit to CHAS. E. AUSTIN, SR, to maint (with conds) a nonconf auto repair facility at rear of Jot, perm originally by Res 3168, where res id uses only are perm; 4278 37th St betw Orange Ave & El Cajon Blvd, Zone R-4; subject to MR. LINHART only & not transferable; to expire 4-1-76. Case No. 10976 1-7-72 lo-t"s-33 &.-34--Perm"it-APPRoiJ_ED_sv-Ai.A- to-oo-;,-ai-crv-.-&-Ana-M ~-i <.~ ii y 0 to--;;~;"r1s 1:-r-uct_ a_ 1:;,;-_------- story triplex on Jot with existing two-story triplex, to (l) result in 53% lot coverage where maximum 50% is permitted; (2) provide minimum 187 sq. ft. of landscaping where 300 sq. ft. is required, at 4238 37th Street, zone R-3-A. Case 16634 NH 3-7-80