Teralta Heights Block D
TERALTA HEIGHTS BLOCK D.tif TERALTA HEIGHTS BLOCK D $"-' Lots 23-24 (E 50'1- Permit to Karl Adrio to make addn to exist res with 18 1 rear yard connected to gar which has only a 1' rear yard at 3666 Meade Ave Res 660 7-6-44 Lot 32- Permit to M, s. & Bertha Beckwith to operate a photo dark room commercial.y in exist res at 4430- 37th St. cond 'L Res 1 m 9-26-46 and Lots 27-28- Permit to Delta Development Co. to constr 2-story, 9-unit apt bldg on premisee resulting in approx 52.31, cov where max 5~ cov is perm at 4414- 37th St. betw Meade and Madison Ave. Zone R-4. c-8396 N.H. 10-17-67 Lots 45-46- Permit DENIED to Anton w. Rosenlund to constr 2-story, 9-unit apt bldg. obs all yard and park req, but result in 51, 71, cov where 5Clfo is perm at 4488- 37th St. betw Monroe Ave. and Meade Ave. Zone R-4. c-8588 4_5_68