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Development Services

Teralta Heights #2 Block G

TERALTA HEIGHTS #2 BLOCK G.tif TERALTA HEIGHTS #2 BLOCK G ~7 Lot 1- Permit to Earl w. Gray to move a model house onto Lot, SB 10' from P.L. on Cnerokee St. Res 72918 12-17-40 Lot 1- Permit to E. J, Horton to build a double gar with ohe corner witnin 1.5' of prop line on Madison Ave. Res 50086 5-13-29 Lots 1-3-Permit DENIED to L. F. DeVelbiss and c. J.Young to construct filling station and repair shop at Cherokee and Madison. Res? 3- Lots 1-3- Auto accessory shop & gar back 2' on Cherokee proper 1 ine granted to E. S. Horton Res 54848 9-29-30-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot 6 & 7- Esther Renshaw to const duplex on rear of prop, making total of 3 units on parcel AGREE# 886 7-31-56---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------