Teralta Heights #2 Block F Card 2
TERALTA HEIGHTS #2 BLOCK F CARD 2.tif TERALTA HEIGHTS #2 BLOCK F CARD #2 Lots 26, 27 & 28- Permit DENIED by A2A to ALGER, INC to construct a 3-story, 16-unit condominium complex with (1) stairway to observe a 7' street side yard on Monroe Avenue where 10' is required; (2) stairway to observe a 12 1 front yard where 15' is required; (3) stairway to observe a 17' rear yard where 18' is required; and (4) to result in 65% coverage where maximum 60% is permitted, at the northwest corner of Cherokee and Monroe Avenues, Zone R-3-A. C-16966 NH 10-20-80