Teralta Block M
TERALTA BLOCK M.tif TERALTA BLOCK M ~b~-S Por Lot 35- Permit to Leo Dumpert to operate real estate office, cond'l, at 4018 Meade Ave. Res. #6924 10-29-52 Por Lot 35- Ext to Res. 6924 ABOVE to Leo Dumpert to pperate real estate office at 4018 ~eade Ave., to expire June 30, 1954 Res #7588 7-8-53 Lot 50- Permit DENIED to Lynden & Mary W. Stevers to use a portion of the lot for display of new, unregistered motor vehicles in conjunotion with dealership at 4300 El Cajon Blvd, at 4421 Fairmount betw Meade and Monroe. Zone R-4. C-11520 10-4-72-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots 10-19- Permit to James Jessop at 4471 34th St., Zone R-3A,to constr 2-story 3-unit apt bldg on lot with estng SFD and prov 7 pkg sps. Condit. C-16007 5/14/79 Lots 8 & 9- Permit APPROVED by A2A to.KEVIN LYNN TAYLOR to maintain a 7-1/2' X 22' dining and living room extension to studio unit on same lot with existing two-bedroom unit to observe a 3 1 611 rear yard where 15' is required, at 4451-1/2 Banaroft Street, Zone R-3A. Conditions. C-17097 1-23-81