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Development Services

Teralta Block J Card 2

TERALTA BLOCK J CARD 2.tif TERALTA BLOCK J.:2 &i,'::>-S E 40' of N 63 1 of Lot 9- Permit to Arthur Snimmons, owner and Philip Haims, D,V.M. lessee, to use an exist bldg at 3917 El Cajon Blvd as a Veterinary Day Clinic. Cond'l. Res #3385 8-25-48 W 84' of N 63' and N 80 1 of S 240' of Lot 9- Permit to J.E. & Dell o. Snattuck to use a portion of said prop as an auto parking lot in connection with adj businesses, Bast side of 39th St, S of El Cajon Blvd. Res #3478 10-6-48 Lot 20- Permit DENIED to Louis G. & Grayce M. Scnwartz to operate real estate office at 4220- 40th (S 40' of N 200') Res #5999 11-14-51 Lots 10 & 9- Permit to Mobil Oil Corp to constr service station with signs and area lighters, being Lot 9 and 10, at 3929 El Cajon Blvd. Zone C-lA. Cond'l. See L-516 c-8740 7-3-68 North 143.50 1 of Lots 9 and 10- Permit APPROVED by ZA to MOBIL OIL CORPORATION, owner; JAY W. SHROCK, D.V.M., lessee, to operate a mobile veterinary clinic for household pets from JOa.m. to 3 p.m., one day a month, where such uses must be completely within a building and must be approved by Conditional Use Permit, located at 3927 El Cajon Boulevard, Zone CA. Conditions. CUP 18171 EOT to 3/1/85 9-9-83 3/20/84