Talmadge Park Estates Card 3
TALMADGE PARK ESTATES CARD 3.tif 2co4-s- Lot 942- Permit t.o Charles E. and Helen R.. Earl to const. 20'x24' playroom and, stot"eroom. add_.__ to re1;1.r. of exist . 20'xZ0'. garage_with 4 ft . side1. 7 ar 1 d, Northeast corner of Madison and. Eu.clid Avenues. Res. Ne. 3603 12_15 48 Lots 938-939- Condl. permit to C, W. &. Rosalie Polzer to add storage room to exist. gar. totaling 666! sq. ft.&. 31' long, 1' sideyardi 4589 Euclid. Res. No. 39~3 6-29-49 Lot 896 &. N 5' of Lot 899- Permjt to E. L. Carpenter to const 24'x26' gar, 1 1 sideyard & l' rear yard, W side Euclid, approx 55' N of Madison.-------------- Res. No. 4469 2~-50 Lot 1241 (Unit No. J)- Pennit to E. D. Newberry to construct a woven wire fence 8' high, along two sides of a volley ball court, 4860 Louise Dr. Res. No. 4540 3-22-50 Lot 956- Gondl perm~t to Boone Hayes to convert exist accessory bldg to rumpus room for social purposes with bar room facilities, approx 10 1 rear ard 0- 8th St.... 4 4 112 o Res. No. 62-- O Lota 1255, 1299, 1302, & lJ()ll.-!al.me.dcef4- Permit to Bank of.America!l!&SA to cons sin tam ree to be used as model homee tor 1 Tr accrd. to approved tent. nbd. 1111p & in compl.,ri th al.l lawa as apPlied to the proposed lots Rea 5281 1-24-51 Unit #J Lot 1195- Permit DENIED to Peggy Ann and Mitchell N. Angus to erect trellis-covered patio with no sideyard, 4805 Lila Dr., Zine R-1. 2- Rs. 01-21- 1 ee above Appealed to City Oounoil- CoUDCil S11atained z.c.committee decision Unit f3, Lot 1195- Permit DENIED CC lles. 102051 l4-/26/51 3