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Development Services

Talmadge Park Estates Card 2

TALMADGE PARK ESTATES CARD 2.tif /;flfi&~itimc'~TD..... '1'.lo+~:s <-.~~~c~~ No~ 2......... ~ f ~,l.019 and 1020- Cond1tiona1 ~rmit to Jack ri. Treilby to store painter\- equipment at 4576-49th St. Res. No. 75~ 10/9/44 j Lots 818 and ~19- DENIED permit to John and Sophia Kenoffel to construct an the residence at 4831 Monroe Ave. with a 12'4" rear yard. Res. No. 1075 8-30-45 Lot 1251- Permit to T. J. Lords to construct a res. seven ft. from the Nwly line of said lot, located on Lucille Drive at the north end. Res. No. 2639 11/5/47 Lot 12~7- Permit to Eli H. Levenson to const. a patio wall 5' in height and 7 ft. beyond the setback line at 4791 Lucille Drive. Res. No. 3165 5/19/M Lots 591 and 592- Permit to R. F. Krumholt, owner, and W. s. Broderick, pur. to const. a res. and gar. with no setback, Norma Drive at end of Natalie Drive. Res. No. 24 6 0 4$ ots an- ermit to ames an a e orton an a e o get1 to divide said lots by taking 5' from lot 1234 and adding to Lot 1235, and to const. a singl.,; family res. on each, Lorraine Drive and Louise Dr. Res. No. 3272 7/14/48