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Development Services

Talmadge Park Card 3

TALMADGE PARK CARD 3.tif TALMADGE PARK (, Card #3 Lot 613 & s of 614- Permit to John Royal Bates to erect a sin fam dwell on Norma Dr. Res #1192 11-23-45 Lot 186- Permit to Mr & Mrs Malta L. Snow to make an addn dof a sun porch in connection with a Maid's room over an exist gar at 4374 Adams Ave. with no sideyard on one side & a 3' rear yard. Res #1553 5-25-46 Lot 1087- Permit to R.H. MacQuiddy to make an addn of a bedroom and bath to an exist gar at 4704 Miracle St. with a 4' rear yard. Res #1554 5-23-46 Lot 358- Permit to Leon M. Weiss to erect an addn to exist res, maintaining a 16 1 rear yd and a 4' sideyard on the east side at 4334 Alder Dr. Res #1698 8-15-46 Lot 39- Permit to Paul W. & Viginia Dixon to erect a res. and obs a 4' sideyard on each side, North Talmadge Dr. Res #2631 11-5-47 Lot 191- Permit to Mrs. Marie Sheppard to constr an addn to exist gar and obs SB of 22'10" at 4344 Adams Ave. Res #3247 6-30-48 Lot 145- Permit to Martin E. & Elizabeth Frazier to constr a bedroom and batn addn over exist gar, which nas 2" sideyard at 4510 van Dyke Ave. ~s #3676 1-26-49